About Patrick McCrory

Hi, I’m Patrick - I’m an interaction designer and artist.

Ever since I began designing software, I’ve been interested in making services that increase the feeling of connection between human beings. I also have a strong interest in working on projects that enhance people’s ability to express themselves creatively.

I’ve worked on a variety of different design intitatives, including a couple of startups (an AR startup: Casper Imaging Systems, and an E-Fashion Label: Mirari Technology).

I’m constantly searching for new opportunities to help bring great products and ideas into the world. Don’t hesistate to reach out!

Casper Augmented Reality

AR Smartphone App

Ecosystem Design Expert

Casper A.R. is an iPhone app that I conceptualized, designed, and then developed in partnership with 2 other developers - we are working to launch and promote/market the app.

The goal with Casper is to create a shared A.R. platform that many people can use. On Casper, you can scan your physical environment with your camera to save its contours - once you have scanned your environment like this, both you and your friends can access the new A.R. “Space” that you created for the purpose of interacting and performing activities inside of the Space VIA a mixed-reality interface (both while you’re in physical proximity to the Space, and when you are remote).

Mirari Technology

Research, Physical Product, & App

Founder & Design

Mirari (Mirari Technology) is a concept for an “E-Fashion” label. The idea with Mirari is to create a line of fashion products that utilize various display technologies to cover the exterior surface of the products. If these products were fully realized, you would be able to use a corresponding smartphone app to change the surface appearance of any of Mirari product(s) at any time.

To date, I have worked with 2 electrical engineers (Jason Lachenmyer & Michael Montalvo) a software engineer (Ben Cheung) and also one physical product designer (Susan Zhang). Between us, we were able to create our own custom PCB circuit board for controlling our display screen materials. In my organizer/designer role, I created a physical design for the first Mirari product, the UI design for the iPhone app that controls the products, and all the presentation/marketing materials.



UI Designer & Graphic Designer


This project was created as a conceptual marketing campaign for Nike Inc. The #NikeNumbers campaign includes both a public scoreboard website that displays sports records set by Nike customers (while they are wearing at least one Nike product), and also a number of ads/graphics that highlight professional athletes who have set records while wearing Nike products.

The idea behind the #NikeNumbers campaign is to further connect the Nike brand, in the mind of the public, with elite sporting achievements.

Solace System

Multiple Interfaces and Products

Solace was a concept project created in partnership with Dell Inc (sponsored by Dell); Solace was an extensive system designed to help organize reconnaissance efforts by community emergency response members (CERT) immediately following a disaster in an urban area.

My main role in this project was providing an underlying system scaffolding for the interaction design/interface elements, along with providing graphics for the interface. I also built physical parts of our final presentation booth including the podiums, several poster cutouts, etc.

Idlemind Entertainment

Spatial AR Games Studio

Ecosystem Design Expert

Idlemind is a concept for a new game development studio that focuses on “spatial” augmented reality games; these “spatial” games would use advanced AR scanning technology to understand more about the physical environment(s) in which you’re playing an AR game.

The Idlemind studio is a hobby project that i’m working on with a couple other friends that are involved in 3D development and animation. - We’re aiming to work on both co-branded properties, along with our own unique I.P.


Interactive Web Application

Calwater is an interactive data visualization system, viewable through a web browser, that allows the user to see aspects of California's water infrastructure.

Drought and water reserves are important factors constantly affecting life in California, and need to be tracked. This tool could be used by researchers and teachers to give them a way to illustrate for students how the various features of the water system interact, and further what their current water levels are.

3D Content

3D Models and Animations

As part of my design work for Idlemind, I have learned some 3D animation software (Autodesk Maya); i’m currently using Maya to create 3D models that we can insert into our mobile game prototypes. - You can find some of my modeling work below…


Design Sketches

Various Rough-Draft Sketches

Your Chords


Mirari Fashion

Nike Numbers






Mirari Fashion

Nike Numbers



